Hazwoper Operations

Hazwoper Operations Refresher Training

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) is an 8-hour course that meets the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. HAZWOPER is designed for general site workers who remove or are exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards. Safety Solutions and Supply is the premier training provider in developing your staff for HAZWOPER Operations. Our staff of professional trainers can either come to your site or provide training at our state-of-the-art training center.

HAZWOPER training is for individuals who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site to protect nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. This training will ensure understanding to contain the release of dangerous substances from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, prevent exposures and objectively demonstrate competency in the following:

    • Knowledge of the basic hazard and risk assessment techniques.
    • Know how to select and use proper personal protective equipment provided.
    • An understanding of basic hazardous materials terms.
    • Know how to perform basic control, containment and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available with their unit.
    • Know how to implement basic decontamination procedures.
    • An understanding of the relevant standard operating procedures and termination procedures.

OSHA’s HAZWOPER Requirements?

The Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) applies to five distinct groups of employers and employees. This includes any employee who is exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances (including hazardous waste) and who is engaged in clean-up operations as specified by 1910.120(a)(1)(i-v) and 1926.65(a)(1)(i-v).

Safety Solutions and Supply—Make Your Safety a Company Asset

Our qualified professionals specialize in developing and supporting your company personnel through safety training programs, general consulting services, program development, and selecting the appropriate personal protective equipment for your team. Using only leading industry best practices, we are committed to creating a more productive and safe work environment within your organization and pride ourselves on our ability to create a customized safety solution tailored to your needs.

On-Demand Scheduling: Training programs can be booked on an as-needed basis—Call 866-537-2262 to schedule your next class. Three training formats are offered: on-campus training at our facility, on-site training at your company, or online training. Each student will receive a personalized training card with a log of completed classes. In addition, use our Training & Education Activity Manager (TEAM) Database to track employees’ training online.

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