Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) task training can be difficult unless you know what you’re looking for. That’s why we here at Safety Solutions & Supply have put together some guidelines for you. This will equip you with the knowledge necessary to perform adequate and efficient task training.
- Establish guidelines for trainers.
These guidelines should consist of checklists, job safety analyses, operator manuals, and safe operating procedures. Make sure all MSHA task trainers have been trained, have the necessary skills to perform adequate and efficient task training, and provide the same training on all equipment and job duties. They should also evaluate procedures to determine that all health and safety aspects of the tasks are addressed in a correct and consistent manner, and conduct follow up evaluation of task training to implement any training necessary.
- Ensure that your employees have received task training on new tasks.
You can ensure that your mine has established an adequate task training program when task training is performed on all machines, job duties, maintenance activities every time there is a chance to the equipment’s process or condition. Also make sure that records are completed for all task training.
- Utilize all tasks that have been assessed.
Tasks such as checklists, analyses, or procedures are helpful in every workplace, as they hold us accountable and keep us on track. So utilize them to establish communication procedures, create a task list for your training plan, and develop a plan of action in case of any changes to the equipment’s process or condition.
- Evaluate whether the miners have the necessary skills to stay safe.
You can do this by supervising them to make sure they perform pre- and post-operation checks on the equipment, understand what to do if there’s a malfunction, and demonstrate safe operation procedures. They should also have a complete knowledge of company and federal health and safety procedures in their everyday tasks and be able to locate and utilize the company’s HazCom program and SDSes.
We here at Safety Solutions & Supply are proud to offer different training services. For more information or if you have any questions give us a call today at 866-537-2262.
Safety Solutions & Supply
314 E. Canal St. (State Road 60)
Mulberry, Florida 33860
Email: in**@so***************.com