THE LEADERSHIP of Safety Solutions & Supply has the view that local community involvement is important and enriching for the company and its employees. Some call this “giving back.” Some call it “paying it forward.” Some call it “being a good corporate citizen.” We call it “doing the right thing.”
Our company calls two places “home” — Mulberry, Fla., and Gonzales, La. We started in Mulberry in Central Florida and branched out later to Gonzales in southeast Louisiana, between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. In and around Gonzales, there are many great civic organizations and community causes. One that we chose for involvement — the one that drew us near — was a Lions International club in Baton Rouge, the Lakeshore Lions Club.
A statement that appears on many Lions Club websites — the parent site is — really appeals to us. It goes like this:
“Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That’s because we help where help is needed — in our own communities and around the world — with unmatched integrity and energy.”
The Lions Club motto is “We Serve.”
Almost every American adult today has heard of the Lions Club — the world’s largest organization has 46,000 clubs and more than 1.4 million members — and likely has a Lion as a friend or acquaintance, but not everyone knows what the Lions do.
Every Lions Club has its own specific and unique area or areas of community support, but, generally the 100-year-old Lions International is known most for its tireless work to aid the blind and visually impaired. (Have you ever donated a pair of used eyeglasses to your local Lions Club? Millions and millions of people have done just that through the years.) The organization later added tremendous support for community youth organizations and then extended its philanthropic reach to include elderly services, diabetes research, health care, environmental causes, and disaster relief.
The Baton Rouge Lakeshore Lions Club has an open invitation — and we extend it, too — to anyone who would like to join and serve. Membership details can be found on the club’s website. In addition to special community activities, the club holds a meeting for members and guests on the first and third Monday of each month at the Baton Rouge Marriott, 5500 Hilton, Baton Rouge, La. 70808.
For more information about the Baton Rouge Lakeshore Lions Club, visit here. Discover what we do at Safety Solutions & Supply with a visit to our website at or by calling us at 1-866-537-2262.