You Can Help Prevent Heatstroke

Summertime means outdoor fun and warm weather. But summer in Central Florida means dangerous heat.

National Heatstroke Prevention Day is July 31. As of late May, there were already nine fatalities nationwide due to child heatstroke this year. According to the United States Department of Transportation, there were 52 fatalities in 2018, an increase from the 43 fatalities in 2017. In the past decade, 804 children died as a result of heatstroke.
Statistics show that heatstroke is the No. 1 vehicle-related killer of children outside of car crashes. You must stay aware at all times and take safety precautions to keep your family safe from these preventable deaths. That’s why we at Safety Solutions & Supply want to share these tips with you.
Tips to Prevent Heatstroke in Vehicles

  1.  Never leave a child in a vehicle unattended.
    No matter how quick an errand may be, never leave children unattended in a vehicle. When you get out of the vehicle, be sure to lock your car and put your keys out of reach from children so there’s no chance of them sneaking back into the vehicle without your knowledge.
  2.  Always check your backseat.
    Always remember to always double check your back seat. Life is full of distractions, but you jeopardize the safety of your children if you are distracted around them.
  3. If you see a child alone in a vehicle, make sure he or she is OK.
    If the child is in distress or unresponsive, call 911 immediately. If the child is OK and responsive, attempt to locate the parents or have the facility’s management call the vehicle owner over the PA system. Remember, the Good Samaritan law protects you from lawsuits if you are helping a person in an emergency. So if the child is in distress, get them out of the car, even if that means breaking a window.

We want to help you and your family stay safe. Please contact us at Safety Solutions & Supply, if you have any questions. We can also be reached at 866-537-2262.
Safety Solutions & Supply
314 E. Canal St. (State Road 60)
Mulberry, Florida 33860
Phone: 1-866-537-2262 (toll free)
