Safety audits may be conducted voluntarily or on a required basis. They can be made by knowledgeable, experienced professionals and will assist in reducing personnel risk and insure compliance with applicable regulations. Audits are used to assess a company’s safety management systems, determine the use of corporate policies and procedures regarding compliance, as well as to identify what regulations apply to a given area or facility.
These safety audits can be done in-house of by a third party. You may think the best option is to conduct an in-house audit, but the use of a third party also has many benefits to consider and we’ve listed them below:
1. Knowledge and Validation: Third party audit companies have the benefit of having conducted audits in multiple environments and are able to share best practices that can strengthen individual programs. Industry-wide knowledge held by third party providers can also serve to validate existing programs and provide recommendations for growth or change when deemed necessary.
2. Objectivity: Third party auditors can come in and provide a completely neutral assessment and review of a company’s systems and processes which have become a habit over time with regular staff and day-to-day routines.
3. Result Accuracy: Due to objective positioning the results of a third-party audit provide a more accurate review of what is occurring within multiple environments of a company regarding safety practices.
4. Lower Business Impact: Audits conducted internally can be taxing on time and labor resources and take away from overall business function. A third-party auditor is able to come in and conduct the audit and interviews in a timely manner without interrupting the efficiency of the company.
A well prepared and well executed safety audit can make a substantial difference in the prevention of accidents and injuries. Thoroughly completed audits are what every company counts as favorable, and we here at Safety Solutions and Supply are proud to offer different training services to help you do just that. For more information or if you have any questions give us a call today at 866-537-2262.
Safety Solutions & Supply
314 E. Canal St. (State Road 60)
Mulberry, Florida 33860
Phone: 1-866-537-2262 (toll free)