As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, we here at Safety Solutions and Supply want to bring awareness to the hazard of deep frying your turkey and give you some safety tips on how to cook it without burning the house down.
Common mistakes include having too much oil in the fryer, heating the oil up too much and not making sure the fryer is stable so that it tips over. In order to avoid these common mistakes follow these safety tips:
Safety Tips
- Never leave the area when you are frying food.
- Check your food regularly, when baking or boiling and make sure to set a timer to remind you about your food.
- Be sure the stove is clear of any flammable liquids.
- If a small grease fire starts in a pan, smother the flames by carefully sliding the lid over the pan, turn off the burner, do not move the pan to keep the fire from restraining and leave the lid on until the pan is completely cool. If a fire starts in the oven, turn off the oven and leave the door closed. The oven should be checked before being used again.
- If a fire starts and you are in doubt on how to control it, get out of the house quickly and call the fire department.
- Always be alert when cooking. Be sure to avoid cooking when sleepy, when you have taken medicines, or consumed alcohol.
- When using a fryer, stay away from the house, set up on flat ground, use a thawed turkey, monitor the temperature, and be sure to have a fire extinguisher ready in case the oil ignites.
By following these safety tips, you’ll be able to prevent devastating burns, as well as other damages to your property.
If you have any questions about our safety training programs, feel free to contact us here at Safety Solutions and Supply and let one of our professionals help you. If you have any additional concerns, feel free to visit us online, check out our training services, or give us a call here at 866-537-2262.
Safety Solutions & Supply
314 E. Canal St. (State Road 60)
Mulberry, Florida 33860
Phone: 1-866-537-2262 (toll free)